A Key To Pub Profitability: Fuss Free Food

Serving food undoubtedly adds to your pub’s appeal and to your customers’ spend. But there’s a balance to be struck between offering great food and keeping a lid on the complexity it takes to deliver it.

Here are a few profit making pointers:

  • Strike a balance between choice and complexity. Too many options make inventory management difficult, and can lead to excessive wastage. Too few choices and you won’t be your customers’ go-to pub. 7 options per category is a good ballpark if you’re looking for a specific number and look at items like pizza that can offer a wider array of customer choice with fewer ingredients.
  • Look at what goes into the preparation of your food. Tricky recipes that can only be delivered by chefs may make you sound fancy, but leaves you open to higher wage bills and potentially letting customers down in case of absence. You’re better off looking at systems that have deskilled preparation but keep the focus on high quality artisan ingredients to offer your customers a sophisticated choice.